The Perks Of Buying A Used Car With A Manual Transmission

The Perks Of Buying A Used Car With A Manual Transmission

certified used carsYou’ve heard down the grapevine that cars that rely on manual transmission save you money both upfront and in the long run, but you don’t know if it’s true. If you’re one of the 60% of auto buyers that are undecided at the start of hunting for your new car, here are the perks of buying certified used cars with manual transmissions.

They really are cheaper to buy

Manual cars from your area Ford dealers are likely to be sold up to $1,000 cheaper than their automatic counterparts. A certified pre owned car that has a manual transmission is likely to sell for even cheaper. Whether you opt for a Ford Focus or Ford trucks options, the manual versions of these cars are simply less likely to sell than their automatic counterparts. Many people don’t know how to drive manuals, thus making these options cheaper since dealers need to get them off the lot.

And they’re more affordable in the long-run

Most certified pre owned vehicles won’t have the gas mileage benefits associated with newer cars of the same brand and style. However, manual certified used cars usually have better gas mileage compared to automatic used cars. By purchasing an older certified pre owned vehicle, your manual transmission will use gas more efficiently, costing you less at the pump.

And they’re easy to maintain

Unlike automatic designs, manual transmissions have fewer parts since the driver is doing the brunt of the work. This makes it easier for the DIY consumer to make repairs on their own while keeping costs low when you actually need to bring it into the shop. Repairs pertaining to your manual transmission can be half as cheap as automatic transmission issues.

You’ll drive more safely

Driving an automatic transmission means you might get distracted by your CD player, your passengers, or any number of things. With a manual transmission, your attention is focused solely on the road. When you’re in charge of controlling how your car drives, you’ll stay safer on the road.

There are many benefits to buying a certified used car that has a manual transmission. Consider these options the next time you visit your area Ford dealers.


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